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FTinPRC - 2017-03-15

It's ironic that a bunch of poor older folks in the rural areas voted for trump because he
told them he would decrease the cost of health care.

Yes, the Republicans and Trump suck. But the concentration of wealth in the U.S. continued unabated during Democratic administrations. Hillary was the preferred candidate of the majority of the elites.

Seeing Trump as the problem with U.S. government is like blaming the can of Pepsi when the Vending Machine takes your money after you pushed Coke. It's the machine. The machine of campaign finance, "money as speech", "corporate human rights", revolving door patronage, the electoral college and gerrymandering.

Trump is just the current spawn, worse than Reagan and Bush perhaps, but child of the same demons.

In my humble opinion, the infection of U.S. society has progressed beyond political change. Sepsis requires revolutionary acts.

Messages In This Thread
Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-14
Life is not easy when you don't represent the majority -- Latina in LA -- 2017-03-24
A serious danger in our time: Trumpism’s attack on reality -- Curious -- 2017-03-21
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Arthur -- 2017-03-20
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-17
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- BeenThere -- 2017-03-15
Re: Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Curious -- 2017-03-15
America is business of Americans -- workshy finder general -- 2017-03-15
Re: America is business of Americans -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Simon -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- BeenThere -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Curious -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- heretosay -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-16
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Arthur -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- BeenThere -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Latina in LA -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-16
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Arthur -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
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