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caring - 2017-03-19

Schools should be about the education rather business or passing of values.

Just read that 40% of US colleges recently experienced a decrease in foreign applicants. This will have an impact on the work and treatment of FTs in Asia because many of our students are motivated to learn English in order to qualify for US colleges. They see us as their passport to better education, a chance to visit and experience America, and better job prospects when they return to their countries (or if they stay to work in America with H-1B visas).
Many FTs in China are mostly the tools for advertisement and students for money laundering opportunities of their parents. Both of them are as "qualified" as they come. FTs here have virtually no authority over their students acceptance to programs, performance evaluation in the courses or final decisions prior to the students graduations which are to indicate how those students qualify to go abroad. Since neither the foundation programs nor the US universities are affordable for common Chinese that truly work hard, the "passport to better education" is infested with ill prepared and spoiled rich kids that believe they have the right to do what they wish to do. Therefore, if the system scrutinizes Chinese applicants for abroad studies, it may be for an improvement.

And it's also bad for US colleges and the US economy as foreign students (over 1 million last year) bring US$32B a year into the US economy.
Those students may have been the reason why local students' tuition fees have risen as well, so if they don't come our education may not get any more expensive than it has already. Moreover, our housing may not have to be so unreasonable and all the profitable eateries around unis so unhealthy.

Other countries will pull these students into their programs.
Perhaps they will benefit; or, perhaps they'll follow to shake their corrupt systems too.

Overall, I predict that this retrenchment will also create a loss of goodwill towards America because I have yet to see better ambassadors of US values than returning students who enjoyed their stay at US colleges.
In the end, I foresee a retraction in the new policies for not "a loss of goodwill" but money and the "values". The dirty system is truly about sowing the seeds of American standards around the world.
Messages In This Thread
The impact of decreased foreign applicants in US colleges -- SheWhoSpeaks -- 2017-03-17
NYT: How Colleges Can Admit Better Students -- Curious -- 2017-03-19
Re The impact of decreased foreign applicants in US colleges -- caring -- 2017-03-19
Re The impact of decreased foreign applicants in US colleges -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-17
Re The impact of decreased foreign applicants in US colleges -- caring -- 2017-03-19
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