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caring - 2017-03-19

Continued education overseas is a significant benefit for any student. It is unfortunate that Trump's 'visa vision' is causing students to question traveling to the U.S. to study.
Not "any students" but students, who understand the language and culture, truly gain from the education. I really don't believe that so many students question this "Trump's visa vision"; however, I think many parents that sponsor their children and that hope to put their filthy roots into the new land are the ones who are so worried.

My students often choose Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand to pursue graduate education. In some ways these nations are a safer place for Chinese students to study now.
That's your experience and the current local drive towards other international targets for the filthy expansion of empire.

Fortunately, increasingly large numbers of U.S. students come to China to study. As you suggest, foreign education benefits an individual's global perspective. U.S. citizens certainly need to expand their parochial view of the world.
As blessed as those Americans may be in the land where core socialist values are in practice. This growing number of young Yankees is to learn how Marxism works in real life. Whether they "need to expand their parochial view of the world" to such an extent remains to be seen for our Chinatowns are enlarging and stock markets overflowing with rotten Chinese investments.

I'm not so sure that U.S. barriers to immigration will have a significant impact on FTs in China. Perhaps those teachers that specialize in TOEFL and other tests for foreign college admissions will be impacted. Statistically, a very small percentage of Chinese college students matriculate at foreign universities for graduate study.
TOEFL is mostly taught by Chinese experts in China, so the product will matter little. What may affect the FTs is the attitudes of locals that'll further reduce us to minimum as Chinese have connections in many places on Earth.
U.S.-citizen FTs in China, like myself, will certainly be dealing with many questions from our students about our homeland's bizarre President. These questions, like all topics of interest, are a teaching moment, albeit an embarrassing one.
Yes, the questions. But that only if they can use the language well enough. Don't worry; even doctors are embarrassed sometimes.
Messages In This Thread
The impact of decreased foreign applicants in US colleges -- SheWhoSpeaks -- 2017-03-17
NYT: How Colleges Can Admit Better Students -- Curious -- 2017-03-19
Re The impact of decreased foreign applicants in US colleges -- caring -- 2017-03-19
Re The impact of decreased foreign applicants in US colleges -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-17
Re The impact of decreased foreign applicants in US colleges -- caring -- 2017-03-19
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