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Arthur - 2017-03-20

Courage Fifi, it's just a matter of time:

1- trump's approval ratings are down to 37%. That's a first for a new president!!! There is no reason in sight to believe that his ratings should improve soon, mostly when his voters start discovering what is in store for them in the new health care bill.

2- trump's wealth, according to Forbes, is going down:

The magazine put his net worth at $3.5 billion, down $1 billion from the rankings it issued a year ago.

As a result, his position on the Forbes' ranking dropped 220 spots, leaving him tied with 19 others as the 544th richest person in the world.

Ironically [Forbes Billionaires List] comes out the same day that Trump is meeting with Bill Gates, who is the world's richest man for the fourth straight year, according to Forbes. The Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30) founder's net worth is $86 billion, up from $75 billion last year.

Warren Buffett reclaimed the No. 2 spot on the list for the first time since 2014, with a net worth of $75.6 billion, up from $60.8 billion in 2016. Amazon (AMZN, Tech30) founder Jeff Bezos rose to No. 3 on the list for the first time, thanks to the jump in in Amazon shares, which boosted his net worth to $72.8 billion.

The 2017 list is longer than it's ever been before -- Forbes estimates there are now 2,043 billionaires worldwide, up from 1,810 in 2016. Their average net worth is $3.75 billion, which means Trump is not even worth as much as the "average" billionaire.

So, Fifi, let's just wait for his approval ratings to fall to 5% (it's going there), for the impeachment (it's unavoidable), and for his wealth to fall off Forbes' list.

Messages In This Thread
Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-14
Life is not easy when you don't represent the majority -- Latina in LA -- 2017-03-24
A serious danger in our time: Trumpism’s attack on reality -- Curious -- 2017-03-21
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Arthur -- 2017-03-20
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-17
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- BeenThere -- 2017-03-15
Re: Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Curious -- 2017-03-15
America is business of Americans -- workshy finder general -- 2017-03-15
Re: America is business of Americans -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Simon -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- BeenThere -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Curious -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- heretosay -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-16
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Arthur -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- BeenThere -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Latina in LA -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-16
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Arthur -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
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