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Curious - 2017-03-21

Just read a most interesting NYT article by Joel Whitebook (director of the Psychoanalytic Studies Program at Columbia University) called "Trump’s Method, Our Madness" that starts this way:

Sometimes, when psychoanalysts begin treatment with a new patient, they quickly find themselves feeling that they can’t make sense of what is going on. The patient’s statements and behavior simply don’t add up, and the flurry of dissociated statements and actions can quickly begin to produce something like a disorienting fog.

Most seasoned clinicians will have learned that they shouldn’t attribute this confusion, which is typically accompanied by a distinct form of anxiety, to their lack of skill. Instead, adept clinicians take the experience itself and the accompanying anxiety as significant data, indicating that they are dealing with, if not psychosis in the strict diagnostic sense, at the very least something in the vicinity of psychotic-like phenomena.

Just as disorientation and bewilderment tell analysts something significant about what they are experiencing in the clinical setting, so too our confusion and anxiety in the face of Trumpism can tell us something important about ours. I am suggesting, in other words, that Trumpism as a social experience can be understood as a psychotic-like phenomenon.

This is not a question of Donald Trump’s personal psychopathology, alarming as that question may be. The point is, rather, that Trumpism as a social-psychological phenomenon has aspects reminiscent of psychosis, in that it entails a systematic — and it seems likely intentional — attack on our relation to reality.

And then he goes to explain how it works:

As opposed to the Soviet Union or contemporary North Korea, Surkov [the “puppet master” of Putin] does not seek to generate and maintain the regime’s power exclusively through the exercise of overt terror (though there is plenty of that). On the contrary, his “fusion of despotism and postmodernism” comprises “a strategy of power based on keeping any opposition there may be constantly confused,” creating “a ceaseless shape-shifting that is unstoppable because it’s indefinable.” To keep his opponents off-balanced and powerless, he might, for example, sponsor “nationalist skinheads one moment” and “human rights groups the next.” In a similar vein, Surkov could have provided the seating arrangements for the N.S.C. [National Security Council], where Bannon, a right-wing white nationalist who has provided a platform for anti-Semites, sits on one side of Trump, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, an orthodox Jew, sits on the other.

As long as Steve Bannon and his colleagues continue to destabilize our sense of reality, and their opponents fail to recognize how these techniques work, those who oppose him will continue to stumble.
Messages In This Thread
Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-14
Life is not easy when you don't represent the majority -- Latina in LA -- 2017-03-24
A serious danger in our time: Trumpism’s attack on reality -- Curious -- 2017-03-21
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Arthur -- 2017-03-20
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-17
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- BeenThere -- 2017-03-15
Re: Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Curious -- 2017-03-15
America is business of Americans -- workshy finder general -- 2017-03-15
Re: America is business of Americans -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Simon -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- BeenThere -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Curious -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- heretosay -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-16
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Arthur -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- BeenThere -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Latina in LA -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Silverboy -- 2017-03-16
Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Arthur -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- FTinPRC -- 2017-03-15
Re: Re Orange Hood is stealing money from the poor to give to the rich -- Fifi -- 2017-03-15
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