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Alias Taffy - 2017-03-30
In response to Re: Re It will show them (Fifi)

Not blond, Taffy. His hair is orange.

Bill Maher ever said that trump paints his face orange (the tan and the dyed hair) the color of the ass of an orangutan in order to look alpha male.

Maybe you should try a little harder to understand peoples motives. Take my case, I also use hair dye, perhaps in a mistaken attempt to not stand out, in view of my age compared to the ages of others around me. I am open-minded you see and I feel if I were stuck in that lift with Trump over the weekend he would get around to telling me why he paints his skin and touches up his hair(if you say he does) Either way, he may be the president but he can be expected to have some foibles without being a risk to his country. I was going to safe "safe pair of hands" but in true chimp-gang-up mode the American populations seems to be picking on him for appendages he can do little about. Pathetic comes to mind. I don't know who this Bill Maher is but he sounds like the school bully.

The 'stuck in a lift over the weekend' means exactly that. It used to happen a lot. Been films about the dialogue. Actually the Chinese are good at those sort of quality films, where you have to act well to pull it off. i'm saying that because it still eludes me what I was supposed to have said which could have been mistaken. Taffy said what? Must have been serious?

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Re: the world's table -- Curious -- 2017-03-21
Re: Re It will show them -- Arthur -- 2017-03-20
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