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Alias Taffy - 2017-04-01

56% of the population DISAPPROVE of trump's job at the White House.
It might be OK for you, but it is not for us.

Well 100 percent of our beautiful new premier, Teresa May, disapproved of Brexit and voted against Britain leaving Europe. However, she understands that if you want to change a voting system you have to do just that and not argue to the point of treason the redemption of a voting system set in place. I suggest you get behind Mr Trump and support him even if you don't like it.

I notice you say "56percent of the population" What's that 56percent comprised of? Blooming foreigners no doubt rightly upset that their sponging days are threatened.

Messages In This Thread
You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency -- AlexInHohhot -- 2017-03-31
Re You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency -- Curious -- 2017-04-01
Re You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-04-01
Re: You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency -- Fifi -- 2017-04-01
Re: You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-04-01
Re: You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency -- AlexInHohhot -- 2017-04-01
Re: You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency -- Curious -- 2017-04-01
Re: You dems deserve every second of the Trump presidency -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-04-01
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