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KJ - 2006-12-26
In response to Re:Sunny English - Teachers Discussion (Phillip)

Phillip writes that one should avoid all schools in Southern China. I love these sweeping kinds of statements - not.

Granted, there are schools to be avoided, no doubt about it. And that doesn't mean just in the south of China; however, to classify all schools as unworthy is simply naive.

This is one of the things that irk me the most about this forum. Posters such as Phillip who have nothing positive to say, simply because they've had a few bad experiences. It's a kind of self assumed omniscience based on minimal obversation coupled with a desire to appear experienced.

The fact is that one must be careful in their dealings with Chinese schools and especially so with private schools. (My advice, stated here several times, is to avoid all private schools in China until you've learned the ropes.) But to infer from a few negative experiences that all schools are bad is sheer nonsense. It is the same convoluted logic employed by Chinese who have witnessed assinine behavior from Westerners and therefore assume that all Westerners are asses.

My advice is to ignore posters like Phillip. Yes do your research, but do so from a position where careful scrutiny overrides the need to follow the advice of those whose negative experiences have clouded their judgement.

I am currently teaching at a university in Southwest China. I make a wage that is above the average. My on-campus Western style apartment is quite nice. Any problems with the apartment are taken care of quickly and efficently. I have a computer that works very well and internet access is paid for. It takes me five minutes to walk to my classes. The director of the college is awesome and has an open door policy. The students are highly motivated and many of them are a downright joy to teach and a pleasure to be around in and out of class. Any overtime work I've done has been paid for on time and fairly. The Foreign Affairs Office is generally "Johnny on the spot" in terms of dealing with visas and etc.

Is it a perfect position? No, not really. There are a few things I'd like to see changed. But such is life. I'll take it until something better comes along. Are such jobs easy to come by? Easier than you might think. Here's how: 1. Avoid recruiters 2. Research carefully 3. Pay little heed to naysayers who need McDonalds and/or anything else that approximates the pampered Western lifestyle. 4. Speak to or communicate with teachers who have been here for awhile and know the ropes. 5. Recognize your qualifications and experiences and negotiate from a position of confidence. 6. Finally, remember that though there is a huge pool of applicants for employers to choose from in China, the percentage of teachers with real credentials and experience is very small.

You are needed and will be very appreciated and well treated unless you are running from something or trying to get a job here because your qualifications are too weak for your own country. Even new teachers and/or recent graduates with the right attitude and the necessary credentials can find a good university position.

Will your life in China be all rosy and bright? Decidedly not. There are things that will shock and even depress you. But there are things that will fascinate you and enlighten you as well. If you stay here long enough you'll find a way, as so many others have, of walking the middle ground. But above all, you'll be in a country where you can actually make a difference.

There have been times when I've felt that there should be a moratorium on all hiring of foreign teachers in China until some of the wrinkles get ironed out. But now I feel differently. I feel that teachers who come here have a wealth of information on the net and elsewhere that can help them make an informed decision.

Happy New Year! Hope you had a Merry Christmas. And Phillip? Hope you have a safe journey home or a warm winter in the North.

Messages In This Thread
Sunny Sky - Teachers Discussion -- Kadu -- 2006-12-24
Re:Sunny English - Teachers Discussion -- Phillip -- 2006-12-25
Phillip re. avoidance - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-12-26
To KJ - Teachers Discussion -- Phillip -- 2006-12-26
Phillip re. avoidance2 - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-12-26
Sunny Sky - Teachers Discussion -- Kadu -- 2007-01-11
Response - Teachers Discussion -- Steve -- 2006-12-25
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