View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Job destruction: The great dislocation! What you studied about capital and work will soon need an upgrade
FTinPRC - 2017-04-03

In a country built on self-reliance, the Protestant work ethic and meritocracy,

The United States is a country built on the seizure of native people's property, slave labor, the victimization of generations of underclass immigrants, and a relentless consolidation of wealth by a small cohort of elites.

Robotics are just one more step in this process.

U.S. society is plagued by crumbling infrastructure, dismal hospitals, dungeons for schools and legions of slums. Robotics will solve none of these problems. There is endless work to be done rebuilding U.S. society and there are tens of thousands of people hungry for work.
Washington Consensus capitalism DOES NOT deliver this work to the people.
Robotics is just another distraction to keep the unemployed from ransacking and burning Greenwich Connecticut and other hedge fund snakepits.

Messages In This Thread
Job destruction: The great dislocation! What you studied about capital and work will soon need an upgrade -- Curious -- 2017-04-01
Re Job destruction: The great dislocation! What you studied about capital and work will soon need an upgrade -- FTinPRC -- 2017-04-03
Re: Re Job destruction: The great dislocation! What you studied about capital and work will soon need an upgrade -- BeenThere -- 2017-04-03
Re Job destruction: The great dislocation! What you studied about capital and work will soon need an upgrade -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-04-01
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