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Silverboy - 2017-04-12
In response to A blog that SB might like (Fifi)

That is a good article: I agree with a lot of what this person wrote. The bit about ex-pats letting their wives or GF's translate for them is also true. I've seen this many times. China has the most wimpy ex-pats IMO.

I was talking to a former Canadian ex-pat from Nanning in Pattaya recently and he said to me "can you believe how stupid ex-pats in Guangxi are" ?? Not only do many of them buy houses for their wives and pay CASH for them in some instances, they ALSO give them an allowance each month!

He said, "how stupid is this" ? There is one guy we know who bought an apartment in Nanning, and who also gives his wive 7000 rmb a month..........she then gives him back 1400 rmb a month to spend!

My Canadian mate said, "in the West did we buy houses for women and give them allowances" ? NO! So why do stupid foreigners do this for Chinese women? Weak, pathetic and stupid men, I can't believe how stupid they are. Then you have the stupid men who took out a loan to buy a house for wife who are are paying it off on a teaching salary, WTF!

Chinese ex-pats also nearly ALWAYS seek out the least educated and poorest women for some reason. Then buy a house for them, give them a 5000-10,000 rmb a month allowance, and take them on overseas trips.

These women would not even bother with these men unless they agreed to all this nonsense. Then these wimps have the audacity to brag that they "don't need to pay for sex".

No, it only costs you a house, 10,000 rmb a month and multiple overseas trips, lol! Compare to Pattaya, where there is sex on tap 24 hours a day with different women, and it's cheap and you can even often get it for free if a girl really likes you.

Messages In This Thread
A blog that SB might like -- Fifi -- 2017-04-12
Re A blog that SB might like -- Silverboy -- 2017-04-12
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