Silverboy - 2017-04-23
In response to Re Assange (caring)

Trump has done some good things. The missile attack on the Syrians was of of them. The MOAB in Afghanistan.

Now it is time to deal with the North Korean regime. I wish the US and it's allies would just hurry up and get on with it.

Messages In This Thread
Assange -- Silverboy -- 2017-04-22
Re Assange -- caring -- 2017-04-23
Re Assange -- Silverboy -- 2017-04-23
Re Assange -- Caring -- 2017-04-24
Re Assange -- Silverboy -- 2017-04-24
Re: Re Assange -- Curious -- 2017-04-24
Re: Re Assange -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-04-25
Re Assange -- expat hubby -- 2017-04-22
Re Assange -- Silverboy -- 2017-04-23

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