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Arthur - 2017-04-27

Wedding costs are exorbitant. A lot of those costs are put on credit cards. People can spend their money (or their parents' money) as they want, but they all know that 60% of marriages end up in divorce within a few years. So why spend so heavily on a fairy tale day, on a princess dress, on fancy food for family members that they loathe, knowing that if they fit in the stats (and chances are, they will), the memories of all of this will be hated, pictures will be torn up, wedding bands will be sold at pawn shops, a few years from now.

"Figures from the close of the 2016 wedding season put the average cost of the UK wedding at £27,000 and that rises to £38,000 in London.
Website Bridebook looked at 20,000 UK weddings and found 4% of those held in the south-east of England cost more than £100,000."

Messages In This Thread
The cost of weddings -- Arthur -- 2017-04-27
Re The cost of weddings -- Silverboy -- 2017-04-27
Re The cost of weddings -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-04-27
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