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Silverboy - 2017-05-02

No, I call this study hogwash. People who oppose immigration do so because their communities that are predominantly white and have been for decades are suddenly being taken over by black people or Asians or Middle East. This dilutes the local language, English, and local culture.

This has happened in many Western cities. Let you remind you that Asian countries don't have an immigration program. There is no such thing as immigration to China or Korea or Japan.

The Japanese are smart, they have the strictest immigration rules in the world, they don't allow Muslims, black people, or other Asians to permanantly live in their country.

Unlike China, Japan is a sophisticated society with a real culture.

This is how they have preserved their language and culture for so long. However, our stupid politicians in the West have no interest in preserving Anglo culture. There should be NO MORE IMMIGRATION in places like London, Sydney and SEQ ( South East Queensland ) in Australia, and places like Los Angeles in the USA. These are are already overpopulated and more migrants means even more problems.

Remember please that foreigners living in places like China or Thailand on short term visas is NOT immigration. There are also not enough of us to dilute Asian cultures. Some areas of cities in the West are having their white populations diluted down to almost nothing. Why should a old white woman be forced out of her home of decades just because Asian and black newcomers want to live in her street?

I feel you really have little understanding of this issue.

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