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Caring - 2017-05-04

While there's some truth to that that the opposition to immigration is driven by the will to shield the local communities/cultures, there's plenty more behind the actions of politicians than many mainstream media followers can imagine. The issue brought forward is far more complex than "black-white--Asian-Middle eastern". America is an anomaly which has become inconvenient to some rich and powerful people who'd like to impose their will on the nation. Those few people have their vision which the country has not been built on, and their view is supposed to bring them some autocratic powers and allow them to make unilateral decisions in their own interests. All in all, the few billionaires in the White House are to create a new dictatorial capitalist system which is supposed to enrich few but impoverish many lives, and they are to close gaps in the area of demographics to do so.

People who oppose immigration do so because their communities that are predominantly white and have been for decades are suddenly being taken over by black people or Asians or Middle East. This dilutes the local language, English, and local culture.
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