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WR - 2017-05-19
In response to Re changing jobs and staying in China (FTinPRC)

My new intended job was not in a university. They work all year.

I called them this morning and they said it is nothing to do with that. They said the PSB in Jiangsu where I intended going have really tightened up and they need a full month to process all the things.

I asked my current school and intended one about the RP expiry and they said that from this year, they will match the contract expiry exactly. No deviation. All my colleagues here have the same situation, our RP expires the day after our contract.

My school are at present not willing to give me the cancellation letter until I have returned the keys to my apartment and all my work is completed. They said that this is standard procedure.

I have asked the new school to speak to the HR here to try to sort things out between them, whether they will is another matter. The strange thing is that the new school advised me against getting a stay permit for 30 days as they have had trouble transferring this in the past. I mentioned travelling there in advance and while they did not say yes or no, they implied it might not be possible as they can't even progress the application at the moment as I am blocked without the cancellation letter. The system tells them that I currently have an active FEC. They sent me some screenshot in Chinese which a colleague told me means, 'application cannot continue. applicant has an active file in another jurisdiction'.

The whole thing seems to be getting more troublesome all the time. I will wait and see if the new school can get any joy out of my present school.

Anybody else had to deal with this? How did you deal with it?


Messages In This Thread
changing jobs and staying in China -- AlexW -- 2017-05-15
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-16
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Re changing jobs and staying in China -- WR -- 2017-05-19
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-19
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- WR -- 2017-05-19
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-19
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Re changing jobs and staying in China -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-20
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-20
Re changing jobs and staying in China -- Caring -- 2017-05-16
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