Silverboy - 2017-05-20

There is a new thing called the MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way. Here in feminazi driven Australia men have finally had enough. Smart men have finally realized they don't need white Western women.

We will no longer give in to their idiotic and over the top demands. We will keep all our money for ourselves, spend all our disposable income on ourselves, protect our assets from conniving bitches who behave like corporate raiders. The institutionalized scam called marriage which only benefits women shall be the subject of mass boycotts. A woman will no longer get 75-80 per cent of a man's assets when they decide he is no longer useful to to her and she wants a divorce. The man will no longer pay child support that should be half a wife's responsibility.

If we need sex or companionship we will just have short term ( under six month ) Asian GF's or bang hookers in Asian countries. Or get a dog.

"Men need to start looking at women like cheeseburgers". "You gobble up one and enjoy the nice juicy meal and then you throw the fucking wrapper in the garbage bin where it belongs".

"You should only enjoy women in the present and then get another one when you feel hungry". No long term, certainly NO FUCKING MARRIAGE!

Marriage is the biggest fucking scam ever and is institutionalized theft!

Messages In This Thread
MGTOW -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-20
Re MGTOW, another warning! -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-21
Re: Re MGTOW, another warning! -- Fifi -- 2017-05-21
Re: Re MGTOW, another warning! -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-21
Re MGTOW -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-21
Re: Re MGTOW -- BeenThere -- 2017-05-21
Re MGTOW -- Illegitimi non carborundum -- 2017-05-20
Re MGTOW -- Mr Potato Gravy -- 2017-05-23
Re MGTOW -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-23
Re MGTOW -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-23
Re MGTOW -- Mr Potato Gravy -- 2017-05-23
Mrs. Potato Gravy -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-23
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Mr Potato Gravy -- 2017-05-24
Mr. Potato Head -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-25
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-25
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Alias Taffy -- 2017-05-25
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-24
Re Mrs. Potato Gravy -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-23
Re: Re MGTOW -- Curious -- 2017-05-23
Re MGTOW -- Mike babsocks -- 2017-05-21
Re MGTOW -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-21
Re MGTOW -- heretosay -- 2017-05-22
girl friends -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-21
Re girl friends -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-21
Re girl friends -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-22
Re girl friends -- Silverboy -- 2017-05-22
Re girl friends -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-22
Re girl friends -- Illegitimi non carborundum -- 2017-05-22
Re girl friends -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-22
Re girl friends -- Illegitimi non carborundum -- 2017-05-22
fine and dandy -- FTinPRC -- 2017-05-22
Re fine and dandy -- Illegitimi non carborundum -- 2017-05-22
Re: Re fine and dandy -- BeenThere -- 2017-05-22
Re: Re MGTOW -- Fifi -- 2017-05-21
Re: Re MGTOW -- Illegitimi non carborundum -- 2017-05-21

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