View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".
taffy - 2017-06-04

Silverboy - 2017-06-03
In response to Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". (taffy)

Now there are two more terrorist incidents in the UK, in London. Let's wait a few days, I'll bet a Muslim immigrant or the son of a Muslim immigrant is involved. As usual there will be nonsense like "Islam is a religion of peace", and politicians will call for "tolerance". We don't need tolerance, I'd be water boarding these terrorist suspects and giving them electric shocks. On another note, I wonder how the suicide bombers feel after they blow themselves up and discover there are no virgins? Must be a big disappointment for them.

How long will it take before the likes of heretosay suggest our own criminals and murderers are just as bad. Born in the UK or not these people need to be thrown out and thrown out now.

Messages In This Thread
more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-02
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- John O'Shei -- 2017-06-16
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-16
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- heretosay -- 2017-06-02
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- taffy -- 2017-06-02
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- heretosay -- 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- taffy -- 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-04
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- taffy -- 2017-06-04
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-04
the maladies of Empire lost -- FTinPRC -- 2017-06-04
Re the maladies of Empire lost -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-04
Re the maladies of Empire lost -- taffy -- 2017-06-04
Re the maladies of Empire lost -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost -- BeenThere -- 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost -- FTinPRC -- 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost -- taffy -- 2017-06-04
Re: Re the maladies of Empire lost -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-04
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-03
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- taffy -- 2017-06-02
Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave". -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-03
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re more nonsense and stupidity. "period leave".

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