View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan
Curious - 2017-06-07

"[China] has been fast and smart at adopting new technologies, particularly the mobile internet. For instance, China has moved so fast into a cashless society, where everyone pays for everything with a mobile phone, that Chinese newspapers report beggars in major cities have started to place a printout of a QR code in their begging bowls so any passer-by can scan it and use mobile payment apps like Alibaba’s Alipay or Tencent’s WeChat Wallet to contribute to the beggar’s mobile payment account.

Moreover, while Trump is pulling out of the Paris climate deal, China is steadily pulling out of coal. Xin Guo, C.E.O. of Career International, told me two of his hottest job openings in China are in “software and new energy” — everyone is looking for engineers for electric cars, solar and wind.

China grew in strength, became America’s equal in many fields and continued to protect its own companies from foreign competition, either by limiting access or demanding that foreign companies take on a Chinese partner and transfer their intellectual property to China as the price of access, or by funneling Chinese firms low-interest loans to grow and buy foreign competitors.

Once those companies got big enough, they were unleashed on the world. China plans to use this strategy to implement its new plan — “Made in China 2025” — to make itself the world leader in electric vehicles, new materials, artificial intelligence, semiconductors, bio-pharmacy, 5G mobile communications and other industries."

Messages In This Thread
As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- Curious -- 2017-06-07
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- John O'Shei -- 2017-06-22
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- caring -- 2017-06-09
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-09
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- caring -- 2017-06-10
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-10
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- John O'Shei -- 2017-06-24
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- caring -- 2017-06-12
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- Rong Wei -- 2017-06-11
Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-11
Re: Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- UKIPer -- 2017-06-11
Re: Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-11
Re: Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- UKIPer -- 2017-06-11
Re: Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- Silverboy -- 2017-06-11
Re: Re As it treats its FTs like shit and closes its markets to foreign companies, and as the US is ill, China is developing into a tech titan -- UKIPer -- 2017-06-11
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