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Watch Dog - 2007-02-03

Beware of the Cyber Shanghai of ESL Teachers by Internet recruiters. This technique is a part of more border Internet sales and marketing practice when it comes to high dollar sales or high stakes issues on the Internet. It utilizes the more commonly known computer hacking and cyberstalking techniques. It is all about wiping out the communications sent to your prospective clients by your competitors, and limiting the information your prospective clients obtains about available options; thereby, limiting their freedom and ability of choice of the client, or more appropriately the victim.

During your initial ESL job search on the Internet, and after initial contact with one, or more ESL employment recruiters, did you notice unusual patterns occurring in your E-mail account in regards to your ESL job search? These patterns will have more to do with what is not appearing in your E-mail account, than with what is being sent to your account. Have you noticed that the E-mail replies from the many ESL employment recruiters you have contacted are being dominated by only one recruiter? Have you noticed that information and files on different employment opportunities, that were kept in your E-mail account have been altered, or have been deleted? During the recruitment process, did you notice that the recruiter did not give you an opportunity to speak with a current or former teacher at the school? After committing to the job offer, and possibly after arriving in the foreign country to start work, did you noticed that the salary offer, and the working conditions are relatively poor compared to the market standards?

Cyber Shanghai is more likely occurring at the more questionable schools that have been black listed, or are having difficulty in recruiting quality English Teachers. These schools, themselves, if not directly involved in the process, are turning a blind eye to it. So, after arriving, did you noticed usual patterns with your Internet access and communications. After arriving at the school did you noticed that most of your fellow English Teachers are not native English speakers; and worse yet, they are none Caucasian individuals with heavy foreign accents? Did you noticed that employment turn over of English Teachers at the school is very high, and contacting past teachers is impossible? If you answer yes to these questions, you have likely been exploited and victimized by Cyber Shanghai.

Let it be clear, this Internet process that utilizes aspects of both computer hacking and cyberstalking is highly illegal in most Western developed countries, and in many none Western less developed countries. It also should be clear that this is a highly organized, and white collar crime. Like in most white collar crime, it is very hard to prove, and even more difficult to prosecute. But, unfortunately, like in most white collar crime, when things go wrong, or the victim becomes too vocal, the victim is made out to be the criminal. So, say, you are in China, and find yourself at one of these schools, with a one year employment contract. If you break this contract, you will be treated as the criminal, and be forced to leave the country under a black cloud of Persona Gretta. Beware of Cyber Shanghai!!!!!!

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