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Curious - 2017-06-12

Oh the Huff is good!

Many of the teachers among us will enjoy this "slips on ban appeal" vs. "slips on banana peel" homophone.

For our European friends: today our dear 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected trump's ban on travel to the US from 6 Muslim countries. Because of something he recently tweeted!!!

President Donald Trump’s tweets have yet again hurt him in court.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on Monday upheld a block on Trump’s executive order that sought a 90-day travel ban to the U.S. for most nationals of six Muslim-majority nations and to suspend all refugee resettlement for 120 days.

In doing so, the court cited one of Trump’s tweets ― and the fact that the White House acknowledged last week that they can be considered “official statements” of the administration.

The judges then quoted a tweet from Trump on June 5, which said the U.S. needs “a TRAVEL BAN for certain DANGEROUS countries, not some politically correct term that won’t help us protect our people!”

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

trump keeps shooting himself in the dick, day after day, sometimes twice a day. Without the millions and millions of victims of his senseless politics, the news would be so funny to watch.

Messages In This Thread
To slip on a banana peel -- Curious -- 2017-06-12
Re To slip on a banana peel -- Arthur -- 2017-06-12
HOLDING HANDS! -- expat hubby -- 2017-06-12
Re HOLDING HANDS! -- MikeK -- 2017-06-19
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