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John - 2007-02-06

All ESL schools in Japan and Taiwan should pay for flight costs and relocation costs.Korea does it,China does it,Hong Kong does it and so too do most schools in the Asia pacific region.

Is it any wonder that schools in Japan and Taiwan are screaming for teachers? Do educational management realize the costs of travelling and relocating to another country? Do they realize qualified or non-qualified NET's are doing the countrys a favour by their willingness to relocate and educate their students to their best abilities about the importance of the Lingua Franca?

Not all teachers are brilliant educators,qualified or not,but we are sacrificing our life by migrating to countries that we may not necessarily want to go to.However,a lot of English speakers simply can not find work in their native country.We may be inclined to seek a new adventure by incorporating that with employment in your country simply because employment may be on the wane for native English speakers in our country of birth,hence the choice to inform non-English speaking host countrys of the currency value of English as a second language.

Which raises the issue as one educator told me,"Immigration is an evolving process,people immigrate simply because their native country of origin can no longer support them economically".(Which is itself an argument of its own)

Subsequently I return to my rationale,if the demand for teachers in Taiwan and Japan is high then the schools ought to provide flight costs and relocation costs.If those host countrys are screaming for teachers as is evidenced on all ESL websites,then why don't they change their recruitment policies? I understand that means overhauling the education system,but it is merely a clause that needs to be re-evaluated.Japan and Taiwan are begging the question.Do we need ESL instructors? What is the answer to that question? How do we solve the demand for teachers? How do we attract teachers to our country? How quickly can we change our policy to accomodate for NET's to our country that has a high demand and need for ESL as requested by our educated society?

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