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Taffy - 2017-07-04

400 knicker a week in 2017 wouldn't entice me to return to Blighty, had I property there or not! Fish and veg as a diet without fags and beer would drive me bonkers. Rather be dead, mate!

If I had a son/daughter half-Chinese, the last thing I would do is go back to Blighty to get him/her a Brit nationality. I wouldn't want him/her to suffer in the job market there after university coz of his/her racial background.

A Brit wed couple, who are teachers who can teach well and handle ill-disciplined pupils well can earn 44,000 GBP minimum a year. Now that's relatively stress-free work with a good income, but not in London, coz the house prices are too high there.


Wots the concern for my daughter, when a couple of weeks ago you suggested she was going to blow people up when she finds her feet!?

So you say I am on fish&veg and that you would do-yourself-in on such a diet- well, that's kind encouragement for a man with a potentially talented bomb-making tiny tot! For your information she was born in UK.

Why do you always finish on 'Each to their own' We get the curious notion you don't mean it.

Messages In This Thread
Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- BeenThere -- 2017-06-29
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- BeenThere -- 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Latina in LA -- 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- FTinPRC -- 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Curious -- 2017-07-02
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- FTinPRC -- 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- FTinPRC -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- FTinPRC -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-05
Re: Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Fifi -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-06
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-04
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-05
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-06
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Taffy -- 2017-07-03
Re: Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- Curious -- 2017-07-03
Re Inviting suggestions from those liberals among us who found their own solutions -- John O'Shei -- 2017-07-01
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