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Silverboy - 2017-07-10
In response to Re A board for teachers? (expat hubby)

I was looking at a website yesterday about UK men who are trying to save as much money as they can and move to SE-Asia.

I can't remember the name know, maybe I can find by looking up "history".

These guys were discussing how politicians have "fucked" the UK and made it impossible for ordinary men to live there , so expensive.

They have also let in hordes of undesirables from the Middle East, Asia and Africa into the UK. Many of these people are bludging of the older UK taxpayers.

England is finished for men of any age, especially the over 40's, similar to Australia but we still have a small glimmer of hope for the future here.

Sweden is also a terrible place for men as there is a strong "rape allegation culture" there. The men there must tread very carefully as even slightly offending or provoking a woman there will get you in a lot of strife. Forget about dating there if you are a man, you will be worried all the time about "saying the wrong thing" or "doing the wrong thing".

Really, who wants to live like this, PC garbage out of control!

Forget teaching in England or doing any work there, same in many other Western countries.

Messages In This Thread
A board for teachers? -- Obverver -- 2017-07-08
Re A board for teachers? -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers? -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-10
Re A board for teachers? -- heretosay -- 2017-07-08
Re A board for teachers? -- Taffy -- 2017-07-08
Re A board for teachers? -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-08
Re A board for teachers? -- Observer -- 2017-07-09
Re A board for teachers? -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-10
Re A board for teachers? -- heretosay -- 2017-07-11
Re A board for teachers? -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-11
Re A board for teachers? -- Taffy -- 2017-07-11
Re A board for teachers? -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-12
Re A board for teachers? -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-11
Re A board for teachers? -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers? -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-11
Re A board for teachers? -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers? -- caring -- 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers? -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers? -- Gautama -- 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers? -- caring -- 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers? -- Gautama -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re A board for teachers? -- David -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re A board for teachers? -- heretosay -- 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers? -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-11
Re A board for teachers? -- Taffy -- 2017-07-11
Re A board for teachers? -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-11
Re A board for teachers? -- Taffy -- 2017-07-09
Re A board for teachers? -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-09
Re A board for teachers? -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-10
Re A board for teachers? -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-09
Re A board for teachers? -- heretosay -- 2017-07-09
Re: Re A board for teachers? -- Fifi -- 2017-07-10
Re A board for teachers? -- heretosay -- 2017-07-09
Re A board for teachers? -- Observer -- 2017-07-11
Re A board for teachers? -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-11
Re A board for teachers? -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers? -- EF Insider -- 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers? -- caring -- 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers? -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-10
Re A board for teachers? -- heretosay -- 2017-07-11
Re A board for teachers? -- Taffy -- 2017-07-10
Re A board for teachers? -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-10
Re A board for teachers? -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-08
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