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Yingwen Laoshi - 2007-02-14


Your "Connections" Powerpoint activity sounds like it will have the sort of energy I like to create in the classroom, especially on the first day. I wish you all the best and look forward to hearing how it went.

I'm almost certain that I won't be using Powerpoint in my first week's lessons. I'm not a big one on introductions (except to announce my name, country of origin and purpose for being there). I will ask for the number of the class to make sure I'm in the correct room, though. A good few students have told me in the past that I came across as being very intense and strict in my first class with them. That's exactly how I want it, and I think it does them good. I don't enter the class as a friend but as their teacher, who wants to help them internalise English, by using a serious but friendly approach. By the time the first double lesson of each class has finished I expect my students to know, have a good idea, or realise that they need to know very soon the following:

1. Their reason/s for studying English.

2. The benefits of learning English (In other words why study it)?

3. How they can ENJOY both studying English and using it in their lives (that will be the main theme this semester: Enjoying English).

4. How they can acquire and internalise English

5.Their short-term and long-term goals: both generally and specific to my class.

6. Why they are in my class and exactly what is expected of them as regards commitment, participation, and behaviour (they will all get a copy of the syllabus, that will include the exam format and rules of the classroom and syllabus).

Similar to what you said about the answers being in the questions, KJ, the answer of one question should give them the answer to each subsequent question. I will also perform the "Vision" activity that I mentioned in a previous post where students must look out of the window as far as they can see.

Later the writing students will have a writing assignment where they will split into groups, line up in front of the blackboard and basically put stuff on the board, from which each student can choose prompts to help them generate ideas for a story, and of course generate enthusiasm. Nothing too intensive writing wise, as it's the first lesson and they are freshman.

The oral English classes will in the meantime be given something interesting to discuss in groups first and then as a class, and will be encouraged by use of a game to use ENGLISH only. The idea is that they know straight away that I'm there to teach them English and that they're there to study. I intend to "set their pants on fire" and then later "keep that fire burning " until the end of the semester, when they will go out in a blaze of glory firing English accurately from the hip.

My four basic aims are to motivate, stimulate, challenge, and inspire the students to acquire and internalise English. I almost feel sorry for them. I know that most students in China expect college to be a holiday after middle and high school. :D

Sorry KJ, I think I might have got a bit carried away with myself. Thanks again for the encouragement to use Powerpoint. I do intend to use it at some point this semester, but I'm sure it's going to take me quite some time to get an adequate enough understanding of it so as to be confident enough to use it in class.

Keep those ideas flowing, buddy. All the best to yourself and yours.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Power Point - Teachers Discussion *Picture* -- KJ -- 2007-02-12
Great stuff, KJ! - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-02-13
Re: Powerpoint - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-02-13
My approach: first lesson - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-02-14
PwrPt - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-02-15
Thanx for the Memories! - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-02-15
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