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KJ - 2007-02-15
In response to My approach: first lesson - Teachers Discussion (Yingwen Laoshi)

Hey Yingwen, my last post, and maybe the previous, mentioned the PowerPoint website as being Power Point Zen - actually, it's "Presentation Zen." Anyway I feel pretty lucky to have discovered that website; great stuff.

The most important thing I've learned is about keeping it simple. The whole "less is more" concept. A few well chosen words or pictures can work wonders. A lot of it is about capturing the attention of your audience. When that happens, great things can be achieved.

I can definitely relate to what you said about making your students realize the serious of your endeavor; especially during the first sessions. I'm known around my college as a pretty serious teacher - maybe that's why my attempts at humor usually go over like a lead baloon. But for the most part my students appreciate that seriousness, especially when they realize I'm not there to waste my time or theirs, and that I'm not there to help them waste their parents hard earned money. Moreover, they soon find out that who I am in the classroom is a little different than who I am outside of the classroom. And then there's times when the "shock factor" can come in handy too. Meaning there's times when I completely slip out of character and start juggling my tennis balls, or start tossing them around the class room, or turn on some music etc.

I remember hearing some great things about your teaching style when we taught at the same school. Students always mentioned your humor as well as your ability. Oh by the way, yesterday I got a call from Christina. Remember her? She was one of your students. She's studying in Kunming now and saw Daniel on the bus and he gave her my phone number. Her English is really getting great! I'm thinking I may move back to Yunnan next summer, so I'll definitely look her up.

Daniel is getting on well too. In fact I often use him as an example when I talk about motivation. Never had a formal class in English but getting better all the time. He passed his high school equivalency test and is now taking an online course in business. He's still working for what's her name, but is living in Kunming now and practically running the business himself.

Thanks for the best wishes. My other half went home for the holidays last week, but I'll give her your regards when next we talk on the phone.

Meanwhile I'm just hanging out and takin' it easy and getting ready for next term. I've been given some additional responsibilities with a slight increase in pay that doesn't necessarily match the added work, but oh well..............

Messages In This Thread
Re: Power Point - Teachers Discussion *Picture* -- KJ -- 2007-02-12
Great stuff, KJ! - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-02-13
Re: Powerpoint - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-02-13
My approach: first lesson - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-02-14
PwrPt - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-02-15
Thanx for the Memories! - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-02-15
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