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Dave - 2007-03-02

As the requirement for a degree (in any discipline) is now the law throughout China, it follows that anyone who offers you a job without one, is in some way breaking the law - and so will you be if you accept such a job.

Many schools will offer you a job based on an 'F' visa which may be valid up to 6 months. However, it is NOT legal for employment but intended for specialists who are visiting China for some specific purpose. Such specialists may be visiting consultants or lecturers but they must not be paid a salary for their work in China - However, some form of stipend or 'expenses' may be payable but it's all very complicated. If you are caught, you will at best be thrown out of the Country and at worst you may be detained for some time - and then thrown out of the Country.

Other schools will offer you a job if you arrive at their door with a simple 30-day Visit Visa but this is even more illegal, as Visit Visas do not permit you to hold ANY form of employment in China. Moreover, they are not transferable into the required 'Z'-Visa. Thus any employer offering you a job based on a Visit Visa must have some 'influence' in the local Foreign Affairs office and if that office should overnight find itself with a new Leader or be busted by their superiors, they will quickly find that you do not have the necessary qualifications - and then you'll also be in trouble.

Most importantly if you do not have a proper 'Z' Visa no employment contract will be valid and you will be the loser. You will not have a single leg to stand on in any dispute with your employer. He can swindle you blatantly and there will be nothing you can do about it - especially if he has influence with the authorities, who will simply support him and not you.

From time to time certain people come on this site offering to 'sell' Z-visas. The last time I saw this they were charging around RMB:7,000 and after that you were on your own with a 'Z'-visa that would not stand up to scrutiny in any thorough investigation. You might be in serious trouble with this, as if the Visa is checked back to its source they will see you have no qualification to support it. Even worse you will be deemed to be working deliberately illegally for an illegal employer with an illegally obtained document and there will be no way you can plead ignorance. Biggggg Trouble for this!

China is like most other developing countries where corruption is rampant in many issues such as this. Beware of any employer offering to circumvent the system here. If it all goes pear-shaped, you will find that his ass is well protected and your ass is the one that gets ALL the kicking. However, if you're prepared to take the various risks attendant on illegal employment then you'll find a job easily enough but be sure that it doesn't come with loads of unwanted problems.

You might also consider taking a trip to Bangkok and buying yourself a forged degree complete with all supporting documents. Most Foreign Affairs offices in China do not insist on verification of authenticity of degrees - however should they later run a check and find that your 'degree' is a forgery, you may very well find yourself in a Chinese prison for s while.

If you break the law knowingly then you must expect to pay the price if you should be caught.

Sorry to be so discouraging - but the Chinese have all this well stitched up - at least in theory


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