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Foreign Teacher - 2007-03-06

Leslie, I was not being rude, just stating a fact. Have you any real experience of this country ? apart from what you've read or been told ?.

If you ask ten different Chinese officials the same question, you will get ten differing answers. In China, nothing is set in stone, it depends on the way the 'rules' are interpreted by the official on the spot at the time and the level of 'guanxi' (influence) the person wanting something has. THIS IS CHINA, Don't confuse it with any other country.

Being married to a Chinese (I'm not) makes no difference, but if the spouse has a cousin in the Bureau ?? NOW your talking, and anything is possible.

Messages In This Thread
Teaching in China w/o Degree - Teachers Discussion -- J. Edgar -- 2007-03-01
Teaching without a degree - Teachers Discussion -- Dave -- 2007-03-02
Degree Law - Teachers Discussion -- J. Edgar -- 2007-03-02
degree - Teachers Discussion -- John -- 2007-03-27
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Without Degree - Teachers Discussion -- University Teacher -- 2007-03-04
without degree - teachers discussion - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- Leslie -- 2007-03-04
China/Degree - Teachers Discussion -- Foreign Teacher -- 2007-03-05
without degree - teachers discussion - Teachers Discussion -- Leslie -- 2007-03-06
Let's Degree to Dis-degree - Teachers Discussion -- Foreign Teacher -- 2007-03-06
China : Rough plasce to work - Teachers Discussion -- Tim. -- 2007-03-04
Finding the Law - Teachers Discussion -- J. Edgar -- 2007-03-04
No Degree Required - Teachers Discussion -- Foreign Teacher -- 2007-03-04
Without a Degree - Teachers Discussion -- University Teacher -- 2007-03-03
Teaching without a degree - Teachers Discussion - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- Leslie -- 2007-03-02
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