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Arabian Knight - 2007-04-02
In response to knes good or bad (previous teacher)

The school shopuld be renamed the Kuwait National Egytian School. Not that I have any problems with Egyptians but it is supposed to be an English school and it just aint. Having worked there for a wee while I know how it runs at this establishment. If yr thinking of moving to Kuwait, do it!

- Great lifestyle and you get the opertunity to earn pots of money and travel to parts of the world you would never get the chance to.

If you have a job offer at KNES, reject it!

- The managment of the school are not managers, They are meerly puppets of the director. Nothing will ever change in the school as the director wealds all the power and is not willing to relinquish any of it to her senior staff.

In my experience, if someone is deemed to have cocked up or not done as asked (no, done what to do and refuses), they pay for it with their wages being stopped and can possiby be suspended. The director as a person is ok, as a boss all I can say is...


Messages In This Thread
Kuwait National English School -- CB -- 2004-12-06
Re: Kuwait National English School -- Christopher -- 2008-02-27
Kuwait National English School -- Poppy Parkes -- 2005-02-07
Think Twice (If its a good offer....) -- A Suffering Student -- 2005-01-16
kuwait national english school -- buffy the vampire slayer -- 2005-01-09
Kuwait National English School -- Susan -- 2004-12-22
KNES -- Fred Flintstone -- 2005-01-08
Great school Link -- anthony -- 2005-01-22
KNES -- wyn -- 2005-02-06
Give KNES a break! -- Jake Hammond -- 2005-02-07
knes good or bad -- previous teacher -- 2005-02-12
KNES? - Teachers Discussion -- Arabian Knight -- 2007-04-02
Re KNES? - Teachers Discussion -- lerc -- 2011-02-16
realy funy -- knes -- 2005-02-07
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