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ManchuQueue - 2007-04-17

"I'd like to keep the lawyers and insurance salesclowns out of my life as much as possible. As soon as we have lawsuits, we have somebody else making up policy and regs for us to live and practice by, and we lose autonomy."


The point is that there are no policies and regulations. At lease none that are applicable and enforceable from the standpoint of the consumer.

So, when one is unable to discipline his family, when the family members stick their collective head in the sand, hide from the truth, when the family grows to large to govern itself from within, ignores the pleas of its consumers, then the burden falls to outsiders to protect those who spend their money purchasing those services, but are not in a position to defend themselves from false advertising (as it relates to a quality education).

A quality education begins and ends with the teacher!

I respectfully submit with regret and remorse, that it is time to turn the matter over to the Councilors.

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lawsuits and litigation - Teachers Discussion -- ManchuQueue -- 2007-04-17
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