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Man of Truth. - 2018-03-29
In response to non-alpha males (FTinPRC)

Now listen up Miss PRC. Usually your posts are reasonably well written but you are off on a tangent in this case.

You are getting your alphas and betas and blue and red pills mixed up, seriously mixed up!

A long long long long time ago..........before the wind, before the snow.........well, maybe not that long ago, there were alpha men who were conned by the emerging "feminist movement" that women deserved more rights but that men should still provide whatever women want financially.

Te pendulum has swung. It is the BETA MALE who is now the fool still thinking he should marry and have a kid and "provide" for a wife and family.

In 2017 AN ALPHA MALE DOES NOT MARRY, they DON"T HAVE KIDS, they don't waste money buying expensive dinners for lazy and greedy women at expensive overpriced restaurants.

The new normal is to not spend ANY money on ANY woman! Men who think they must still marry women, buy them houses and cars and have kids for them are becoming a laughing stock, the subject of scorn and ridicule.

A real ALPHA MALE does not look for admiration and approval from a woman. Most ALPHA MALES are going MGTOW or otherwise asserting their independence in various ways. Your assertion that a BETA male should be a role model for young boys is ridiculous because in your case you think it's means that men should respect women just for being women. NO, THEY SHOULD NOT!

You can rant about feminism, "women's rights", this "MeToo" rubbish all you want. Your kind is going the way of the dinosaurs. Feminism has been exposed as the scam, fraud, and hoax it really is.

Just like all the other scams and hoaxes in this world like HIV which over 2000 leading virologists, microbiologists, evolutionary biologists, medical researchers and journalists, infectious disease experts, have declared is a 300 billion dollar a year scam, a waste of taxpayers money and the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on this planet. Sex is not dangerous, never has been, and HIV and "AIDS" is not sexually transmitted. As of even now this "virus" has NEVER been isolated in a laboratory. It can't be because it never existed in the first place. It's all a massive lie and bullshit.

So keep believing all this shit, feminism, HIV, "global warming" and all the other nonsense you liberal types blindly believe in with ZERO EVIDENCE!

You are on the losing team. BTW, many men in Pattaya, ALL ALPHA MALES are still re-producing mostly by accident after getting bar girls pregnant. So sadly for you, there will be hundreds, thousands of little Silverboys, Man of Truth, Wise Men running around the streets of Pattaya in the future. Giving a Thai gal a cream pie instead of withdrawal will lead to pregnancy.

These men will transfer the values "men first" and not providing for a woman to their offspring.

Your idea that men in Pattaya don't breed is laughable. We will breed only accidentally though, not because stupid women think they are entitled to have a kid.

You are on the losing team. Better get used to it. Like Jimi Hendrix said "they're livin' in the past". YOU, miss, are living in the past!

Messages In This Thread
non-alpha males -- FTinPRC -- 2018-03-29
Re non-alpha males -- Man of Truth. -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re non-alpha males -- Fifi -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re non-alpha males -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re non-alpha males -- Fifi -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re non-alpha males -- BeenThere -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re non-alpha males -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
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