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Stephan Schulte-Nahring - 2018-08-02

Hi, I'm a full-time English teacher (CELTA) and am currently doing an online survey for my Master's in Cross-Cultural Psychology.

I'd like to hear from bilingual teachers (fluent speakers C2 any language, any location) about the use of their languages and emotions they experience when talking to other bilinguals. The survey is anonymous and takes about 12 min to complete. There are no right or wrong answers. I hope that answering it is enjoyable as it gets participants to think about how they use their languages.

For English speakers, copy / paste the link below into a browser to start (survey in English):


This survey is also available in Portuguese, copy / paste the link below into a browser to start:


Many thanks,
P.S.: I can email interested teachers a summary of findings, details at the end of the online survey!!!

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