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Old and Tired - 2007-05-20

Thanks a million, Turnoi, for articulating my feelings much better than I have (apparently) been able to do myself!

I concur with your thoughts and observations 100%!

Bad business is bad business, plain and simple. Dishonesty and dishonesty, blah, blah, blah Trying to justify bad business practice as the result of western oppression (Chinese people know ALL ABOUT oppression) is, at the very least, tiresome, and itself, dishonest.

A great many of my past students have been quite curious about America. Thats great for me, but I am also very quick to point out to them that my home country is loaded with all sorts of political, social, moral, economic, and educational messes of its own. However, that does not excuse some of the downright horrible things that I have witnessed or experienced in the educational system in China.

Chinese students that have some measure of interest and awareness will readily agree that what they experience from their side as students, and what I endure as a teacher is often unjust and infuriating.

Last week, when my students learned I had been evicted from the campus (by the assistant of one of my FIVE supervisors I worked in three different programs each a mess in its own special way), guess what? They (without any request from me) cut their classes and came to my place to lend a much-appreciated helping hand, and to express their embarrassment on the poor treatment I had received by their university.

Last night, I hosted a banquet to thank my students (25 guests) for their help and support. They know all too well, which people are not working in their best interest (hint: its not me, or most foreigners).

Among SO MANY mistakes that school leaders make, is assuming that because they never admit exploitation and unethical behavior on their part (toward students, parents, and teachers), that students must also be clueless about what is happening to them. The attitude seems to be remain in denial, and so too, shall everyone else. Wrong!

How else do I learn about the unfair things that happen to students and Chinese teachers, than from the students themselves?

Also, a very small (but very significant) number of Chinese teachers contacted me privately to tell me that they respected my spirit and refusal to participate in the universitys unscrupulous practices; because of course, they dare not.

I agree with you completely, that the ultimate collapse and reparation of the education system (and other highly-contaminated arenas) is up to the Chinese people to confront themselves. I cant, and shouldnt be involved in that. All I can do is take care of myself, and choose my personal and professional battles as wisely as possible.

Problem is, these battles are being waged more and more frequently. Thats why Im getting out of the teaching racket in China, once and for all.

Thanks again for your wise and thoughtful comments!

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Thanks! -- Yes, it's up to them - Teachers Discussion -- Old and Tired -- 2007-05-20
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