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KJ - 2007-05-27

Yep, you found him out. Fish is indeed a recruiter. I know because he's the one who found me this great job I am undertaking right now: 12 hours a week...overtime paid at the rate of 250RMB per hour....monthly salary of 19,500RMB; a little less if I don't turn in my weekly report, and of course for that kind of pay I have to be available to do some PR work when they need it, but usually I get a week or so advanced notice and have even been flown to other cities where I've been given the red-carpet treatment.......highly motivated students (of course their parents are quite well to do, so that's a little surprising because they aren't the usual spoiled ones)......... a great staff that includes a director well versed in EFL methodology and whose English language skills are excellent.........an 11th floor apartment with two bathrooms and three bedrooms, a roomy kitchen and free cleaning service. And oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention the 18 speed bicycle they bought for me to commute with. Great bike - a Giant, and great exercise too. The only downside to the job is that I have to pay my own electricity and computer connection, and yeah I did have to sign a two year contract, but oh well.......

In short, I couldn't have found such an excellent job without the help of Fish. You would be well advised to seek his services.

Thanks again Fish for all your help. And by the way our director, Mr. Li, asked me to give you his best regards to you and yours.

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