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Old and Tired - 2007-05-28

KJ / DB et al,

You urge the readers: In short, I couldn't have found such an excellent job without the help of Fish. You would be well advised to seek his services.

OK! We (the collective we of the ESL community) eagerly await contact information for how to seek the first-class, red carpet services of the fabulous Fish. You shout from on high that ESL teachers would be well-advised to enjoy the fruits of Fishs labor (as well as his obvious guangxi), so come out with it How do we get in touch with Fish?

You (both you and your other half, DB, or are you DB now, and KJ later?) and Fish tell the readers time and time again how we should live, cope, negotiate in China.

OK Put your money where your mouth is: give us the real recruiter information regarding the phenomenal Fish. You will look quite foolish (or continue to appear foolish) if you withhold this information because you insist on telling so many of us how to live and behave and be flexible in China and then you flaunt your VIP living standards, super-inflated salary, and limited working hours as some sort of billboard advertisement for Fish, and imply that if we dont turn to him for next gig, we would again, only have our complaining selves to blame for wallowing in the mud we call the Chinese education system.

Please tell us where unsuspecting ESL teachers can suck up, oops, I mean, sign up Were waiting and watching with great anticipation for you to bring Fish into the light.

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truth be known - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-05-27
Still waiting, and watching... - Teachers Discussion -- Old and Tired -- 2007-05-28
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Where, o where, is this blue chip service? - Teachers Discussion -- Old and Tired -- 2007-05-27
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