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Chris Fitzgerald - 2007-06-01

William Scanlon is being extremely economical with the truth in his post accusing me of harassing him.

The truth is he bombarded me with a series of foulmouthed and abusive e-mails because I asked to have the curteosy of an acknowledgement even if negative, in case he had not received my original application some 6 weeks before for a job he was advertising on the Teachers Board Jobs Board.

Had he said in his reply that I did not fit their needs because I was to old, too fat, the wrong colour hair or wasnt an American, that would have been perfectly acceptable and the end of the story. However, he chose to take another tack which was completly erroneous and I pointed this out to him, not agrily. He doesn't like to admit when he is wrong, nor does he like British teachers as he later made quite plain.
Apart from saying that I was 'just an English speaker and that was simply not good enough' despite him having my CV which showed my MA as well as a 4 year Modern Languages and EFL course qualification plus experience, he subsequently proceded to abuse me in a foulmouthed way when I pointed out that I was as qualified as his existing staff.
I sent no 'angry at rejection' e-mails to him as he claims, I simply replied each time asking him to stop being abusive and be a little more accurate.
Here is a selection from the e-mails this School Director and so called man of letters sent me after he had sarcastically pointed out I had spelt 'curteosy' wrongly, which he proceeded to spell 'couresty'.

You are the very type of Brit teacher that most schools avoid. Simply because you look down your little snobbish nose at others and treat them as less. You will not fit well in the Philippines.

I had said nothing to merit that response. He obviously doesn't like 'Brits'
He followed this a few minutes later with this goad;

By the way my teachers here got a great laugh at your email. They would tear you apart if you were here. One of my teachers is retired British military of the Scotish Black and Tan with 12 years of service in Northern Ireland.

I reminded him that there is no such Scotish Regiment as 'Black & Tans' it would be The Black Watch,(but that if this fictional Scot had been a Black & Tan, the notorious thugs sent to Ireland to beat and murder Irishmen, he would be well over 100 years old by now.) He then accused me of abusing his staff penning this gem;

Watch your mouth A**hole! ( my edit)
First you ask for a negative reply,then you complain about it, then you start to criticize me and my staff. And if your so great then why are you
teaching in a vocational training school in Wuxi as opposed to in a Chinese University. By the way my wife family is still in China and her father is
with the Chinese Public Security Bureau. One of the leaders in Jiangsu Province. So I would watch my mouth if I were you, Mr. Fitz or a meeting with them can be arranged very easily.
Know others first before shooting off one's loud arrogant Brit mouth.

I never complained about rejection, just his arrogance and inaccuracy and never 'angrily'.

More threats followed swiftly after I told him his conduct was unprofessional and ungentlemanly for a man in his position. Here is another of his profane rants after I told him that I visit the Philippines on holiday each year and maybe I would have a meeting with him.
If you try that I will introduce you to my friendds the PNP(Philippine National Police). you know nothing about me. So F**k you (my edit)and your emails I will notify your school in Wuxi and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Public Security Bureau so they can revoke your visa and fire you. Then I will file a liable suit against you through my lawyer in China.
You can go to a Chinese jail for such as your writings. Big man huh. Can't even spell libel correctly, (which I hadn't done anyway.)

As you can see, not a nice sort at all. I told him that if he did not stop sending me abusive, goading and threatening e-mails, I would post his correspondence on the teachers board forum, so he obviously posted his lies about me to pre-empt my expose of his behaviour.
Fortunately, I have given a file with all the e-mails mine and his to my FAO, so if he does contact my present employer he will be ignored.

His vindictive & hostile behaviour cannot have arisen overnight, so there are probably other recipients of his nasty character out in the ESL world. He says he was here in China for a number of years. Perhaps they would like to contribute to this thread.

Mr. Scanlon will undoubtedly arrange some favourable posts for himself saying what a great chap he is etc. Its the sort of thing his type does.

I won't bore you with any more of his profanity and vicious threats. I'm sure you can make up your own mind. The comments to him in my mails contained no profanity, threats or anger, but he responded only with abuse.
I hope this serves to warn others who may be thinking of applying to him for a position. My advice is, dont, he is a foulmouthed bully.
Especially if you are British, he doesnt like us.

Messages In This Thread
How Not To Handle Rejection:Chris Fitz - Teachers Discussion -- Willy Scanlon -- 2007-05-31
Beware William Scanlon, SPLC Philippines -- Chris Fitzgerald -- 2007-06-01
Beware: William Scanlon, SPLC, Philippines , a Nasty Piece Of Work. - Teachers Discussion -- Chris Fitzgerald -- 2007-06-01
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