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KJ - 2007-06-11

To answer your question first, "read deeply into the contract" means don't sign on the dotted line until you're sure what you are signing. Many contracts are so wordy that a lot of people just give up and sign it in good faith. I guess I should have been more clear about that.

I guess I should also have been more clear regarding the type of university one should apply to. I too have been involved with "International" universities and/or colleges that cater to children of the rich and/or privileged who have not passed their exams or who have not passed with high enough grades to enter into reputable institutions. And, like you, I have been told to pass the little brats no matter what. For example, I had one class with 27 students out of which only three were serious. The rest spent most of their time listening to their MP3's, or playing with their cell phones, or even sleeping. And yes, they were still looking forward to their departure after two years to a four year college in Singapore - where of course they would continue to be coddled until which time they could enter into the cushy job waiting for them back home. Do I consider this fair? No. Is it a fact of life? Yes. Is China the only place this happens? No. And by the way, I didn't stay with that job for very long. After less than three months I made my break. The salary was good, they paid on time and I had a pretty nice apartment. But I could no longer justify contributing to such a system. Nor was it much fun being around such spoiled brats.

So, yes I should have been more clear about the type of university to which one should apply. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Another thing I should have added is to be cautious about schools that call themselves universities or colleges, when in reality the owners of said schools only use those distinctions so that their schools will appear to be more prestigious than they actually are.

Nevertheless, proper teaching environments can be found. It takes a little time and it takes the willingness to do some proper research, but it can happen.

Messages In This Thread
glad to leave china - Teachers Discussion -- cynthia w -- 2007-06-10
bad schools - Teachers Discussion -- PolyAnna -- 2007-06-11
100,000+ "happy" FTs in China - Teachers Discussion -- Crass SOB -- 2007-06-13
Re "Glad to Leave......." - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-06-10
"International Departments" at public universities - Teachers Discussion -- outtahere -- 2007-06-11
a valid point - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-06-11
Thanks much, but... - Teachers Discussion -- outtahere -- 2007-06-11
you're right again; however.... - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2007-06-11
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