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Stephanie - 2007-07-24

Hello everyone,

My name is Stephanie, I am an American ESL teacher, who has an English Major from the University of Georgia. I am 27. I have a TESOL certification, which I got in Jiangsu province in China. I was a supervisor for a year at my last job in Qingdao and have all together two years teaching experience in China. I recently visited Xiamen and looked for a teaching job there. One of the schools who contacted me was Metro International English Training center(Xiamen). They also have a school in Chongching.

I spoke with a Ms. Helen Zhou on the phone (0592-380-3357, zhm1105@yahoo.com.cn) and made an appointment to see her. She walked down the stairs to see me and she seemed a bit taken aback. She invited me into her office; we sat down; and then she promptly told me that she was, "terribly sorry, but our school only accepts white skinned teachers here. Unfortunately, I didn't see your picture before inviting you to our school for an interview." I just happen to be a black woman.

This type of thing is has happened to me numerous times before, in several cities in China. There is no one that I know I can contact about this problem though.

I just want to let everyone know what type of things go on here. By the way, the school has the gall to have the statue of Liberty on their brochure and proudly claims to be associated with an American company called Ellis Education Group.

If there is any type of law in China about this type of thing being illegal, please let me know. It would really be helpful if blatant dicrimination like this could be punished. I would really appreciate it if anyone has any information.

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