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Liu Gang - 2007-08-04

In Response To: Non-native english speakers as teachers - Teachers Discussion (rose)

While these are all good points, wit hthe possible exception of the previous poster, one very important point has not been raised.

The majority of Chinese students, and their parents, do not want non-native speakers teacing their children.

Forget everything about who is more qualified. Even the best educational instititions are also businesses, and it is in everyone's interest to keep their students and customers happy.

I have seen voracious complaints received on unsuspecting management for offerring a Phillipino as a native speaker.

The fact is that it is common sense to please your customers and students. Teachers from the USA andthe UK do this far better that equally qualified people from other Asian or African countries.

Believe me, I do not agree with you. I have observed and seen it all with my own eyes. I used to send my 2 daughters to a language school but was appalled by the standards of 2 American teachers. One was barely 20 and the other a lady(40+). Apart from being white, that young kid didn't know what he was doing in the class room and as for that poor lady, she has a very heavy Latin accent.

When the school started they had about 250 students, mine included. Nobody knew anything about these teachers until we parents were invited to observed their lessons. The invitation was sent to us because some students complained that they couldn't understand the teachers. My poor old heart almost failed me when I saw that American kid in the class room. He was speaking like a bullet train and what I didn't understand was that some parents were clapping and giving him a big hand. I raised my hand and asked that kid if he is absolutely certain that he is being understood by the students. He was shocked and didn't say a word.

That poor lady she didn't impressed me either. It was really quite difficult to understand her Latin filled English accent.

Some of the parents were shocked when we had a meeting with the teachers. I told them that their kids and mine would not be able to learn anything from these Americans. Why should I pay a large sum of money when I can do a better job than them. Had it not been for my job (commercial pilot) I would not have sent my children there.

In a space of 2 months there were barely 20 kids left in that school. The owner had no alternative but to hire a teacher from Singapore on a part time basis. That guy managed to attract the students back but sadly had to quit as the university where he was teaching would not permit him to teach part-time.

The owner and most of the parents were willing to offer him extra money to teach but he was happy and remained where he was. It's a crying shame.

To me, it doesn't really matter if a teacher is White, Black, Yellow, Blue or Green. The main thing is that he or she is able to make himself/herself understood and know what teaching is all about.

And as for you, lady, I am not sure where you're from and if you are native speaking teacher. But if you are, I wouldn't want you to teach my children, either. A teacher who couldn't get her spelling right shouldn't be teaching at all.

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