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Hope - 2007-09-25
In response to Race issue? - Teachers Discussion (JAS)

Well, I must admit, I find all this discussion very interesting. I, myself, am black, originally from the Caribbean where 'mixed marriages' (to use a North American term) is quite common among the races that inhabit the islands of Jamaica, Trinidad, Guyana, etc. (Well Guyana is actually South America - but is very often involved in the politics of the Caribbean). I now live in Canada and have lived here for 30+ years. I love both the worlds I have had the joy of experiencing. I have also travelled for extended periods to other lands.

Contrary to what many may believe or understand, the Caribbean is a wonderful diaspora of mixed races. I grew up and went to school with friends who were mixed Indian/Black and Chinese/Black. Oh yes, we have many Chinese in the Caribbean - doing business as usual, and going to school with Indian and Black children, INCLUDING BLACK BOYS WHICH SOME WILL LATER MARRY. Children of European descent are USUALLY sent elsewhere to school while their parents stay to ENJOY the beauty of the Caribbean - ironic.

My point: I have not been to China, but I know several others of various races who have and have heard many stories. Do I believe SOME Chinese have negative attitudes toward SOME blacks? Sure, a lot of people do. Do most people have some type of negative attitude towards someone? From my experience, the truthful answer is, YES. My point: These type of attitudes/prejudices are perpetuated by those who choose to perpetuate them - be they black, white, Chinese or other. Prejudices, negative stereotyping, etc, is an I G N O R A N C E I suppose that will always exist. It is part of the human condition, be that what it is.

However, those of INTELLIGENT MINDS realize that the body functions much better when all the parts work in cooperation with each other. The minute one part does not work well, the whole body suffers. I have a sense that a few of the people posting here are truly enjoying the negativity that is perpetuated by the ignorance of some of the statements. It is persons such as yourselves that perpetuate the evils of hatred and of dissent, and that causes the body to LIMP rather than to run at the full speed of which it would otherwise be capable. YOU ARE A DETRIMENT TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD WE LIVE IN. It is a beautiful world. Enjoy it!

Messages In This Thread
Race issue? - Teachers Discussion -- JAS -- 2007-08-28
Re: Race issue? - Teachers Discussion -- lingujisticus -- 2007-08-30
Re: Race issue? - Teachers Discussion -- JNET -- 2007-08-29
Not True! - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-08-29
Re: Not True! - Teachers Discussion -- FYI -- 2007-08-31
Re: Not True! - Teachers Discussion -- JNET -- 2007-09-01
You're so Witty! lol - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-08-31
Re: Not True! - Teachers Discussion -- lbala -- 2007-08-29
Thank you - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-08-30
Re: Race issue? - Teachers Discussion -- Andrew Dewitte -- 2007-08-29
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