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scoob_e_doo - 2007-11-26

I think the original poster's point is quite valid - there is much discrimination against non-native English speakers for English teaching positions - and those who would knock it down to the fact that there are several errors in his message are dismissing that point a little too quickly. While the original poster may have several unacceptable (to native speakers) errors in his writing, these errors are trivial (see: unimportant) in regards to teaching very basic English.

The fun reality of English "teaching" in Asian countries is that, many times, it is indeed the colour of your skin that makes the grade. There are many schools who are very open about their need to attract business via the 'look' of the teacher, and having a Filipino just doesn't cut it in many asian places. Do not doubt that caucasian (or rather, 'white') people are regarded much differently in asian countries; to deny that fact is to suggest complete ignorance of how your experience in these countries is coloured by your colour.

To the poster, I would also point out that, while you may be surprised that our 'asian brothers' are not helping Filipinos out, I recommend you visit Taiwan or Hong Kong or many other large, Asian cities. Filipinos are a wonderful people who, after interviewing many of them, simply do not know the meaning of discrimination (except against their own kind). Other countries, however, (pretty well every country in the world, I'd say) have their own hierarchies of race and, sadly, Filipinos get close to the bottom on most Asian scales. It was interesting discovering these things first hand as a Canadian whose parents are Filipino.

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