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Mizjule - 2007-11-29

Just recently, I fell victim to the Cameroon - British International Lanaguge Center Job Scam on the "ESL Website" and can also see an almost similar advert on this website (INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS AGENCY) having a too good to be true kind of offer and can only imagine and regret the number of ESL teachers falling victim to this job scam. I have done a thorough research on the internet in regard to this job offer and its a fake because it has no existing website and after calling authorities in Conakry they could only express shock and alarm. They regret that it's a possible job scam originating from Nigeria.

Let me tell you what happened to me;

I was in Turkey the last one and half months on an intensive English Program designed by INTESOL and American Cultural Association and was there as an invited English Lecturer to observe and be trained in a few essential programs.

It so happened that in the process of my training, I took the liberty to try and scope around for a few job opportunities on the internet and sure felt I found a great one in Cameroon by some British International Language Center in CASSA - Cameroon Sea Side Avenue. On getting in touch with them they responded formally by accepting my application and running me through a job interview and before I knew had offered me the job. The next step was they wrote me and informed me that due to some policy changes, I was to be the one to shoulder all work permit processing fee which was at a cost of $250.00. I gave it the benefit of the doubt and sent the said amount. They then sent me a contract on which I signed and thereafter sent an offer letter.

After completing the work permit process they then informed me that the documents were ready but these could not be sent without a final signature from some Cameroon Interior -Foreigns Office and thus needed to pay another $150 in order for this to be done. The supposed prinicipal (Christopher Uttoms) told me that this was entirely out of their hands and I really had to make the payment. So then I sent them another payment. As soon as I'd done this was assured that my documents would follow up in Nairobi soon enough to get things in shape. I had to then complete my project in Turkey in a real hurry and left great opportunities behind knowing I had a greater one in store in Cameroon.

Its been weeks now and the situation now is that, the principal of this BILC says he sent the documents to me in Nairobi but these were mishandled and landed in the hands of a certain woman in France. He then claims that on receiving the documents, this woman went to the Cameroon Embassy and there gave the documents to the concerned officers who in return rewarded her for the kind gesture. Then he explained that these officers at the Cameroon Embassy in France immedieatly receiving this package emailed me requesting that I own up to the lost package as soon as possible. Bear in mind I never received an email of this sort from the embassy and on calling the concerned office, they could only express concern and pity that this was a job scam. However, this principal insists that since I did not respond to them immediately was required to pay a sum of $350 as soon as possible to a given name in Cameroon in order to recieve the package.

To cut this long story short. I have reported this to the police and been advised by both Kenyan Immigration Authorities and the Cameroon Embassy in France that it's definately a job scam and are working together in contacting Cameroon Police Authorities about this situation in order to help trace these scam bugs. They are also on the look out for my personal passport details as well job details so that these may not be used to scam others or use my personal information to commit greater crimes. I have cancelled my Passport!

I'm willing to put up emails in support to this incident in order for all to see the trend of these scammers.

Be careful about offers that sound too good to be true.

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