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Kevin - 2007-12-14

Yes indeed, USMC, they and their whiny ways are not part of the solution, and, though, it is to be noted, that there are legitimate reasons for complaints, their insufferable habit of lashing out at China and/or all things Chinese, instead of recognizing that the problem is multi-faceted, is the typical behavior pattern of those who cannot recognize the value of compromise.

Yes, they expect to have the cushy lives they couldn't aspire to in the West because of their shortcomings, and when it doesn't manifest here in China, well, it must be the fault of others because certainly Mama's little Turnois et al
cannot be to blame. Or, conversely, they expect to be pampered like they were back home and when that doesn't happen it's a wall that's been placed there just because they're not lucky - certainly not because they failed to do their research or they expected more then they deserved.

There are times I empathize, but when they can't show signs of having reached a stage of adulthood wherein they can admit that the blame needs to be spread around or that their own immaturity and/or lack of qualifications as teachers is partially to blame for their misfortunes, I find it hard to give them a cyber pat on the butt while telling them that all will be well.

Yes the beat goes on, and they keep marching to that rhythm of the malcontent while they arrive in droves and, like lemmings, fall off the cliffs of their discontent.

Well, normally, I wouldn't give it much thought one way or the other, but the Choatles and the Turnois and their sympathizers refuse to address the very real issue of how much damage is being caused to the students by our "colleagues" - those FTs who think China should be a free ride and that every administrator and educator should look the other way when their incompetence is manifested in the classroom.

Fortunately, though the lemmings don't realize it yet, the Beijing government has begun to address the issue and this mess will slowly be cleaned up. Those holding work visas and Foreign Expert Certificates that they should never have been given in the first place will find themselves escorted to the nearest airport. Yeah, the slimy recruiters and the phony training centers and those that have found a way to circumnavigate the law will find themselves penalized as well but, fortunately, the hammer, when it falls, will fall on them as well, and we can bid them a not so fond farewell.

By the way, sorry I didn't respond to your post sooner, but you know how it is when you're busy being an actual teacher..... :)

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Re: ROTFLMAO -- Kevin -- 2007-12-14
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