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Kevin - 2007-12-16
In response to Why Should "Bozo" Care? (Yingwen Laoshi)

Great post, but flawed in the sense that if "bozo" doesn't care, then he's not "part of the solution, he's part of the problem."

The Beijing government has, by the way, begun to pressure the local governments in this regard. Investigations are under way, albeit not all that noticeably yet, due to the realization that reporters from all over the world will be arriving in droves next year. Even the more famous franchise schools, such as Linguaphone are now being carefully scrutinized: Teachers are being taken to local police stations and being asked pertinent questions regarding their visas and their qualifications.

Yes, it's only a snowball's worth of scrutiny now, but you know how it is in China - it doesn't take long for that snowball to become an avalanche.

Where public schools and universities are concerned, one of the most recent changes is that "teachers" who have been fired for incompetence and/or actions not befitting an instructor at a university will have their names entered into a computer system that will "flag" them when they attempt to get a visa for a different job. Sure, they'll still be able to find a private school, or whatever, until the investigations gain momentum, but the change is coming.

Yes, there is still a high demand for teachers and, yes, the system is still such that clowns are in high demand, but ultimately it will be such that it's more about quality and less about quantity.

And listen, this is not because I have a personal ax to grind against unqualified foreign teachers - per se. No, this is because I care about the young people here. And I care about the future of this country. I've seen too much to pretend to be tunnel visioned. Moreover, though I realize I may come off as insensitive in regards to my "colleagues," I see no real value in muting my concerns.

I suppose I could have remained silent had it not been for the plethora of posts that, instead of focusing on the issues, and offering solutions, other than the totally inane idea of forming a union, inevitably include advice to stay away from China. Such advice will only decrease the likelihood of talented and dedicated teachers coming here. And, as you know, they are sorely needed. Without a pool of qualified applicants, from which employers can choose teachers based on experience and education, they are left with little choice but to hire those whose applications have initially been placed at the bottom of the pile.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
Dr. Seuss

Messages In This Thread
for what it's worth -- Kevin -- 2007-12-06
Why Should "Bozo" Care? -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-12-15
Re: Why Should "Bozo" Care? -- Kevin -- 2007-12-16
Change, and What it Takes -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2007-12-20
Re: Change, and What it Takes -- Kevin -- 2007-12-20
Re: for what it's worth -- extefler -- 2007-12-08
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