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eng.teacher - 2008-01-08

Oh dear Joyce you are doing it again aren't you? Still writing naive, silly posts trying to defend your wonderfull adopted country in a desperate attempt to convince people that their lives would be so much better there in China if only they would stop complaining and accept the unacceptable. How sad.

So lets take a critical look at what you have written. You start by quoting from an article written by Ann Hulbert, a contributing writer in the International Herald and Tribune and whom I presume to be, a lecturer at Harvard and seem to be forwarding the argument that this persons views are somehow superior to those of many posters here and on many other sites. Why is that? Have you asked her to cite her sources like you have others here? Or is she merely expresssing her personal opinion? Do you know what practical experience she has of teaching in China? I find it rather strange that you use her article and beliefs over those that actually " Walk the walk " But I will return to this later.

You then go on to tell another poster to " cut the crap " and accuse them of " doublespeak babble and bullshit " Are these the type of phrases you teach to your unfortunate students? What a shining example of an English teacher you are. You then say that you think that most us have not taken the time to research the school system in China or give a Big Fat Rats ass. What arrogance !
You go on to ask why so many foriegn students go to study in china. I would ask the same question given that the highest ranked University in China, Tsinghua University the one you use as an example later in your post, ranks so LOWLY in the league table of world Universities. What position do you think it occupies in the league dear Joyce? Top 50? Top 100? Top 150? I'm afraid not. Its so poor it couldnt make it into any of these ! If you would like to find out where it stands in the WORLD rankings have a look here.
I think you will find that those in higher positions are predominantly from the U.S.A and Europe with a smattering from Japan and Australia. Theres even 0ne from Taiwan on the same level as they are.( How galling that must be for the Chinese ).
As for the " prestigious " Tsinghua trying to recruit 134 teachers worldwide, doesn't that simply show the dearth of good CHINESE teachers?
I find your suggestion that all FT's "... must have a background in the HISTORY of China, specifically, the HISTORY of Education in China before he can begin to TEACH in China " Quite laughable. Have you thaught through the consequences of such a rule or law ? What percentage of FT's do you think would be left in China teaching English? And who would teach students to SPEAK English rather than the Chinglish that is spouted by their Chinese teachers? But, more interestingly, would you care to tell everybody reading your posts what qualifications YOU have in Chinese history and the history of Education in China? I seem to recall a few short months ago your knowledge was so great that you had no idea of how the Chinese feel about the Japanese !
If you have NO qualifications in these fields will you be resigning and leaving China? After all it would be more than a little hypocritical for you to continue in your current position, wouldn't you agree?
Next you say that " there are too many influences that have shaped the China school system for the lame brained foreign idiots teaching (ESL)in China to understand. Arrogance again ! Why do you think you are better than other teachers? A little insecure are we? You also seem to think that people who actually teach in China..." should keep our mouth shut....and permit China and the Chinese to run their country as they see fit! How very CHINESE of you. What nonsense. Are you really saying that the people of the World should not be able to comment, criticise or indeed compliment any country except their own? Would you prefer us to look the other way when we witness things that we may not agree with? What a sorry little person it would be to do that. Slaughter in Kenya? Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo? Genocide in Rwanda? Slave labour camps in China? Am I or anybody else that is not from these countries not allowed to even comment on these things? Or is it just China that you believe we must not comment about? What a very small minded person you must be.
You also seem to be very keen on the list of Chinese achievements you so dilligently copied from a website and seem to believe that the West owes a debt to China for their inventions and discoveries even though the most modern one you could find ( the bristle toothbrush ) was invented over 500 years ago! To paraphrase a question you posed to others reading your post. What contribution to the world have they made in the last FIVE HUNDRED YEARS? I think that speaks volumes about China. So, just for you, here's a list for you to look at,copied from another site.

2.4 Ma BP: Olduwan - struck stone tools, in East Africa
1.65 Ma: Acheulean - struck and reworked stone tools, in Kenya
1.4 Ma: Knife in Ethiopia
1 Ma: Controlled fire and sterilization of food and water (cooking) in East Africa
500 ka: Shelter construction [2]
100-500 ka: Clothing
400 ka: Pigments in Zambia [3]
400 ka: Spears in Germany [4]
200 ka: Burial in Africa
100 ka: Lithic blades in Africa and the Near East
60 ka: Ships probably used by settlers of New Guinea
50 ka: Flute in Slovenia
50 ka: Bow in Tunisia [5] [6]
43 ka: Mining in Swaziland and Hungary
37 ka: Tally sticks in Swaziland [7]
30 ka: Sewing needles
26 ka: Ceramics in Moravia
25 ka: Atlatl in Northwest Africa [8]
17 ka: twisted Rope (probably much earlier)
12 ka: Basket weaving
Agriculture in the Fertile Crescent
Alcoholic beverages in the Fertile Crescent
Adobe in the Near East
9500 BC: Granary in the Jordan Valley

8700 BC: Metalworking (copper pendant) in Mesopotamia (Iraq)
8000 BC: Wall (Jericho)
Animal husbandry in the Near East
Plaster in Jericho

7000 BC: Bow drill in Mehrgarh (India)/(Pakistan)[1]
7000 BC: Dental surgery in Mehrgarh[1]
6200 BC: Map in atalhyk
Cloth woven from flax fiber

Irrigation in the Fertile Crescent
Ploughs in Mesopotamia (Iraq)
City in Mesopotamia (Iraq)

Beer and bread in Egypt
Wheel and axle combination in Mesopotamia

4000 BC: Canal in Mesopotamia
4000 BC: Stone paved street Ur Iraq
3807/3806 BC: Timber Engineered roadway in England
3500 BC: Plywood in Egypt
3500 BC: Writing in Sumer
3500 BC: Carts in Sumer
3100 BC: Drainage in the Indus Valley Civilization (India/Pakistan)
3000 BC: Sailing
Bronze: Susa (Iran)
Silk in China
Cement in Egypt
River boats in Egypt
Noodle in China
Comb in Persia (these combs were very refined, so combs themselves are probably older)

2800 BC: Button in the Indus Valley Civilization
2800 BC: Soap in Mesopotamia
2630-2611 BC: Step pyramid: Imhotep in Egypt
2600s BC: Papyrus: Imhotep in Egypt
2600s BC: Suture: Imhotep in Egypt
2600s BC: Pharmaceutical cream: Imhotep in Egypt
2600 BC: Chariot in Mesopotamia
2600 BC: Artificial sewage system in the Indus Valley Civilization
2600 BC: Toilet in the Indus Valley Civilization
2500 BC: Flush toilet in the Indus Valley Civilization
2500 BC: Arch in Mohenjo-daro (Indus Valley Civilization)[2]
2400 BC: Shipyard in Lothal (Indus Valley Civilization)
2000 BC: Currency
Dagger in Near East
Sickle-sword in Sumer
Alphabet in Phoenicia
Candles in Egypt
Sledges in Scandinavia

Perfume: Tapputi in Mesopotamia
Bronze Age sword in Mesopotamia
Glass in Egypt
Rubber in Mesoamerica
Spoked-wheel chariot: Indo-Iranians
Water clock in Egypt
Bells in China
1000s BC: Coins in China

Catapult in Near East
South Pointing Chariot in China
Differential gear in China and Greek island of Antikythera
Stupa in India
Blowgun in India[3]
Iron pellet in India[3]
500s BC: Sugar in India
500s BC: Dental bridge in Etruria
500s BC: Kite in China
500s BC: Trebuchet in China
475 BC: Scythed Chariot: Ajatashatru in India
500s BC: Plastic surgery: Sushruta in India
500s BC: Cosmetic surgery: Sushruta in India
400s BC: Football: in China
350 BC: Water wheel in India[4]
350 BC: Watermill in India[4]
c. 300: Wootz steel in India
300s BC: Compass in China
300s BC: Screw: Archytas
200s BC: Compound pulley: Archimedes
200s BC: Odometer: Archimedes?
150s BC: Clockwork (Antikythera mechanism)
150s BC: Astrolabe: Hipparchus in Asia Minor
100s BC: Big-toe stirrup in India[5]
100s BC: Parchment in Pergamon
1st century BC: Glassblowing in Syria
1st century BC: Trip hammer in China
40 BC: Rolling-element bearing in Roman ship
Chaturaji in India
Chaturanga in India
Xiangqi in China

50: Mouldboard plough in Gaul
100s: Aeolipile : Egypt by Hero of Alexandria
105: Paper: Cai Lun in China[6]
132: Rudimentary Seismometer: Zhang Heng in China
200s: Kongming lantern (Hot air balloon) in China
200s: Horseshoes in Germany
300s: Toothpaste in Egypt
400s: Horse collar in China
500-1000: Spinning wheel in India[7]
589: Toilet paper in China
673: Greek fire: Kallinikos of Heliopolis
700: Quill pen
700s: Brass astrolabe: Muhammad al-Fazari[8]
721-815: Alembic: Geber in Iraq[9]
721-815: Still: Geber
721-815: Distilled alcohol: Geber[9]
721-815: Distilled wine: Geber[9]
721-815: Distilled beverage: Geber
725: Clockwork escapement mechanism: Yi Xing of China
800-873: Valve: Ban Ms

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China: Re: "suzhi jiaoyu" -- eng.teacher -- 2008-01-08
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