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JNET - 2008-02-03
In response to L and F Visas (ailana)


Are you aware of what you have posted here?

Let me tell you this:
You are one poster who is offensive and degrades people.
Do you know each and every Asian?
How dare you to generalize that we don't care about our working visa and that we just go for the pay. We are not IGNORANT not to know the circumstances of working illegally. We know the labour laws of China.
There maybe some who are into working here illegally but not ALL.
We don't need your lecture about the do's and don'ts of working with an L or F visa if it's more of an insult than a warning.

What if I tell you that I did not come to China for monetary reasons? or I come to China not for monetary reasons.That back home (in my very beautiful country, The Philippines), I am paid higher than what I am receiving here, but I quit and flew to China.

Even if for others, the main reason of coming to China is to earn money for a living, it is not proper for you to say that they don't care about their visa, of course they do.

You made one terrible blunder here, dearie.

Messages In This Thread
L and F Visas -- ailana -- 2008-02-03
Re: L and F Visas -- Ailana -- 2008-02-03
Re: L and F Visas -- JNET -- 2008-02-05
Re: L and F Visas -- JNET -- 2008-02-03
Re: L and F Visas -- ailana -- 2008-02-03
Re: L and F Visas -- Metis -- 2008-02-04
Re: L and F Visas -- ailana -- 2008-02-05
Re: L and F Visas -- JNET -- 2008-02-07
Re: L and F Visas -- ailana -- 2008-02-03
Re: L and F Visas -- JNET -- 2008-02-04
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