Amy W. - 2008-03-16

My husband was just stationed in Korea for a year. I would like to join him, but the military would not provide compensation. I do have some education experience and a B.A. in History. I thought that teaching English in Korea would be a great chance for me, and it would help me join my husband. I am going to be bring my son who is 15 months old. So, I will need to arrange daycare as well.

What advice do you have regarding my situation. I really don't know where to start. I see that I have to send in resumes to websites, but what happens from there? How do I know if these companies are reputable?

I am waiting on my passport, do I need this to apply? Or, can I tell them that I am waiting for it.

Is it better for me to find something before I go, or should I wait until I get there. I thought since I was travelling with an infant that having someone pick me up at the airport and arrange living arrangements would be good.

Will they frown on a teacher that has a child with her?


Messages In This Thread
need help. -- Amy W. -- 2008-03-16
Re: need help. -- appetoni -- 2008-04-30
Re: need help. -- yan -- 2008-03-17

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