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Jerome - 2008-03-23
In response to Re: teachers (AMonk)

Bravo AMonk. I think what Steve is alluding to is the need for a more humanistic approach. This old teacher-student thing may have its place in some or even many situations, but in terms of second language learning it seems that "I'm the teacher, you're the student" doesn't work that well. Guiding, facilitating and participating seem to work a lot better. But really I'm just stating the obvious; however, it seems that China is full of FT's who in their headlong rush and/or desire to become English teachers, coupled with the need to actually be good at it, draw up on their past experiences as students and basically mimic the "I am teacher method" which they're familiar with. What's worse is that only a small minority of them show a desire to hone their skills or improve their classroom presence.

I work at a university where we have over 20 FT's. About 75% of them are first time teachers of varying ages. I've seen their lecture style approach and cringed as I see them slowly lose their students. The administration won't address this as an issue; their blinders are firmly in place and all they see is the cash flow and the white faces. In fact, teachers who actually get it and whose teachings manifest that awareness, are often treated with the disrespect that comes from leaders who know that they themselves do not get it and yet are loathe to acknowledge the reality of that.

Oh well, Steve, it seems, is a rare bird indeed. Too bad there aren't more like him.

Messages In This Thread
Re: teachers -- Steve -- 2008-03-20
Re: teachers -- Raoul Duke -- 2008-03-20
Re: teachers -- Jerome -- 2008-03-22
Re: teachers -- steve -- 2008-03-21
Re: teachers -- AMonk -- 2008-03-22
Re: teachers -- Jerome -- 2008-03-23
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