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RG - 2008-05-07
In response to Yuming Education (john)

As a former teacher of this "school," I feel the duty to warn all teachers. The contract that they will have you sign is vague at best and gives the employer complete control of just about everything. (Not that they really intend on complying with this contract) First, Yu Ming Education Center is not a school at all. It is an agency that puts foreign teachers into Chinese public schools. Each class will contain 27- 36 children. In the contract, you waive your ability to do anything to remotely punish the children or even yell at the class when all the students are talking to get them to be quiet. You are to assign homework but your English class isn't actually a reported class so you do not have to give grades and if you do give grades, it doesn't matter. The older students have figured out that your class means absolutely nothing and they may choose to do whatever they want during your 40 minute class that meets twice a week. In the contract, it says that you will be given 2 vacations. Towards the end of the first semester that I worked for them, they said that the children were taking exams, so because my classes matter not at all to the schools in which I taught, I was put on a 7 week "vacation" without the ability to legally (-per contract) to find other ways to pay for rent. I was also given 2 day notice in January before this started, so there was no time to schedule such "vacation." The Chinese workers at Yu Ming speak poor English and when there is a task that they don't want to do they say that they cannot understand you. Yu Ming is a very curious business. They change offices often for untold reasons and every teaching assistant that I had there has said that they don't really trust their hiring process. (Something to do with them not paying taxes on Chinese employees work) this school rightfully shouldn't be trusted. When I signed with them, I signed a one year contract; when it was time for them to renew my visa, they only renewed it for six months and told me that they would renew it again in six months, of course that never happened because they had only planned for me to stay for 6 months. They have also held important visa/ residence permit documents which has cost me a small fortune to have dealt with. Another coworker, and friend of mine, has recently had to leave the country because Yu Ming has canceled a separate student visa (having no coorelation to Yu Ming at all) and withheld certain visa documents that would keep her from staying in this country. There is much, much, more to list. Yu Ming is not worth the trouble of screwing up your visa. This should go without saying, but Yu Ming is like almost every other Chinese private English program when it comes to organization: horrible.

Messages In This Thread
Yuming Education -- john -- 2007-11-21
Re: Yuming Education -- RG -- 2008-05-07
Re: Yuming Education -- yumingjiaoyu -- 2009-07-21
Re: Yuming Education -- Ex Yuming teacher -- 2010-08-08
Re: Yuming Education -- HireEd -- 2009-07-21
Re: Yuming Education -- ESL -- 2010-08-08
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