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Wang Honglau - 2008-05-08
In response to China: Why do we need laowai teacher (Lili)

I don't see why so many people are getting mad about what is being said. The truth is the truth and should be accepted no matter how painful.

Truth 1 = Most Westerners (especially Americans) are stupid, ignorant and lazy. We learn English far quicker than you do, and we Chinese are far better at teaching it. Once we've mastered it, we make few if any mistakes. Compare that to the bungled, horrific English garbage westerners use.

Truth 2 = Chinese students are far more intelligent than western students or even teachers. The fact that western teachers are so inept and feeble-minded is why our students feel entitled to use MP3s and mobile phones in the classroom. Why should they humour an ignorant teacher when they are already more advanced then said westerner will ever be?

Truth 3 = Westerners (especially Americans) ARE FAT and homely. Why should Chinese students show respect to hideous foreigners?

Truth 4 = Westerners are arrogant. What makes you think that your version of English is superior? If we by choice opt to use "Chinglish" what right to you have to correct us? Compared to Chinese teachers, Americans are stupid fools whose speech is more similar to that of the barking of apes than people.

Truth 5 = Western teachers are paid more than they deserve, and act like fools. You are our guest and it is your privilege to "teach" here. We do not need to show you any respect. You can be replaced, and should be replaced by a Chinese teacher.

The truth hurts, get used to it.

Messages In This Thread
China: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Lili -- 2008-05-06
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Fikester -- 2008-06-18
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- yingyu laoshi -- 2008-05-27
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Fikester -- 2008-06-18
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Li Bai -- 2008-05-12
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- jim -- 2008-05-11
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Pylin -- 2008-05-10
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Fikester -- 2008-06-18
we do need laowai teachers -- Al -- 2008-05-09
Re: we do need laowai teachers -- Fikester -- 2008-06-18
Re: we do need laowai teachers -- eslguy -- 2008-05-11
Re: we do need laowai teachers -- Fikester -- 2008-06-18
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Wang Honglau -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Fikester -- 2008-06-18
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Jane Martina -- 2008-05-10
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- riddlemethis -- 2008-05-10
Nice One, Wang Honglau! -- Yinwen Laoshi -- 2008-05-09
Re: Nice One, Wang Honglau! -- Gingermeggs -- 2008-05-10
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher/Wang Hanglou -- handsomearticulateslimenergeticintelligentamerican -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher/Wang Hanglou -- Wang Honglau -- 2008-05-09
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- funfun -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- funfun -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Wang Honglau -- 2008-05-09
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Michael -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- j peasemold gruntfuttock -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- HongErWai -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Mike -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- funfun -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Mike -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- funfun -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- funfun -- 2008-05-07
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher - gotcha -- riddlemethis -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher - gotcha -- Jane Martina -- 2008-05-10
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher - gotcha -- funfun -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher - gotcha -- riddlemethis -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- spider -- 2008-05-07
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- funfun -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Wang Honglau -- 2008-05-09
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- funfun -- 2008-05-08
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Longdong -- 2008-05-06
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- Gingermeggs -- 2008-05-06
Re: Why do we need laowai teacher -- funfun -- 2008-05-08
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