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damagelimitation - 2008-05-19

There are in China, a large number of Christian missionaries at work as ESL foreign teachers. They are sent or volunteer to 'spread the word' by the churches or organizations to which they belong, to seek out and convert as many Chinese students as they can. There are at least two working in my college and 4 or 5 at my previous university so statistically there must be many more.
How one wonders, will they explain to their targets, the grief and misery dealt out by their all powerful and merciful God to so many victims of the recent earthquake in Sichuan. How indeed can they themselves continue to believe that the mythical being in the sky to whom they pray so fervently could visit such pain and loss on unsuspecting innocents, cruelly cutting off the lives of so many in a brief moment.

Where is the mercy we hear so much about from the evangelical barkers who daily invoke the name of 'The Father' and press us to pray? (and by the way, pay).
A pupil of mine recently asked me to which religion he should adhere, Buddism or Christianity. I replied that my advice would be to look to neither, but if he felt the need to join one then at least Buddism is a religion of peace rather than Christianity which is one of war. One only has to read the Old Testament and see the amount of 'smiting' and murdering of others for preposterous reasons to realise the violence that is urged upon populations. The New Testament is hardly any better despite toning down the barbarism a little.

I believe that by condoning the activities of these missionaries within the ESL profession, we are allowing our work as language teachers to be undermined.
One has to see as I have, a parent weeping silently while holding the dead body of their only child who moments ago was was innocently listening to their teacher in the classroom to realise that there is no compassionate, merciful and all powerful being watching over us.
Those on a mission to 'Christianise' China are doing a disservice to this country and it's young people and should be rooted out. If allowed to continue their proselytising, they are simply propagating an already debunked myth.

It will be interesting to hear what the adherents have to say and by the way, the statement that "he works in mysterious ways' doesn't wash, any more than 'suffer the little children'.

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ESl Missionaries -- damagelimitation -- 2008-05-19
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